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New film series: Unwrapping Christmas
From the team

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Why Trust the Bible?

Issues of patriarchy, power and historical accuracy are just some of the objections to the Bible’s trustworthiness. Making the case for the Bible’s textual integrity by analysing the evidence, Clare Williams shares how its story is ultimately about one central figure – Jesus who came to save.

Can You Debate About Faith and Be Friends?

Darrell Bock and John Lennox explore how to engage in public conversations about Christianity with respect and understanding. They discuss the importance of relational dynamics, avoiding confrontational debates, acknowledging diverse worldviews, and valuing individuals as created in God's image.

Why Would A Good God Allow Suffering?

No matter who we are or what we believe, the reality of suffering is something we all have to deal with. Delving into theological and philosophical perspectives on this complex issue, Alanzo Paul explores this topic from the logical problem of evil, to the deep significance of Christ’s suffering and resurrection.

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