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New film series: Unwrapping Christmas
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Alanzo Paul

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“To love God is something greater than to know him.” – St. Thomas Aquinas

Alanzo is a full-time speaker with the OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics. He is passionate about literature, philosophy and theology. His work primarily focuses on questions such as, ‘Why does God allow suffering and injustice?’ and ‘What is the meaning of life?’. Additionally, he enjoys exploring topics such as the Occult, identity, Gen Z, difficult passages in the Old Testament, and the case for the historical Jesus.

Born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Alanzo became a Christian in 2009 after grappling with drug addiction for over ten years. Since then, he has dedicated his life to Christ by engaging the questions of others and speaking to audiences worldwide.

Alanzo has a degree in theology (BTh.) from the University of Oxford (Wycliffe Hall) and a Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MA) from the University of Toronto, from which he earned the Margaret Muckle Trust prize for his work. Recently, he has been accepted into the doctoral programme (DPhil) at the University of Oxford, commencing in October 2024.

Alanzo lives near Oxford with his wife, Khadija.

If Alanzo is coming to speak at your event, please find some publicity material here. 


Was Jesus a Historical Figure? – Part 2 – Extrabiblical Sources

In the second of our two-part series, Alanzo Paul looks at how extra-biblical sources, some of them hostile to Christianity, support the archaeological evidence for a historical Jesus. If sources point to Jesus existing in history, what does this have to do with us today?

Was Jesus a Historical Figure? – Part 1 – Archaeology

In a digital age awash with information, a recent UK survey found a startling decline in belief in Jesus as a historical figure. In the first of our two-part series, Alanzo Paul takes us through archaeological evidence, expert insights and asks the crucial question, does it still matter today?

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