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Professor John Lennox (President of OCCA) has had a profound influence on people around the world. Known by many through his insightful videos, John has helped millions engage with life’s biggest questions, often sparking thought and conversation about faith. Many have first encountered his work through a video shared by a friend or stumbling upon one of his debates or conversations online. Perhaps that’s how you’ve found this series today.

At OCCA, we’re committed to creating resources that tackle people’s big questions about Christianity—so, whether you are a Christian, hold a sceptic view of faith and religion or are just curious, we hope this resource will be a great help to you. This video series continues that legacy, offering a thought-provoking journey through essential topics like science, suffering, faith, and reason.

“I have always emphasised that it is important to engage with what Christianity has to say before making a decision whether to reject it or not. One common reason people do away with Christianity at the outset is that they are told science has left no room for God. I completely disagree with this line of thinking, as science properly understood strongly supports the existence of God.”

John Lennox

You’ll notice two ways of getting access to the full series.

One is through giving a gift to help us create more content like the Best of John Lennox series.
The second option is for those who are unsure, sceptical or curious about what Christianity has on offer.

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We invite you to help us share this vital content with others. By giving a gift, you’ll be supporting OCCA in creating more resources like the Best of John Lennox album that can reach people where they are, helping them explore the beauty and credibility of the Christian faith, and to know Jesus personally.

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If you are at a place of exploring, evaluating, or simply curious, we would love to offer the Best of John Lennox album to you as a gift. Our mission is to make this series available to anyone open to learning more about the claims of Christianity, without any financial barrier.

Meet John

Prof. John Lennox

John is the President of the OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics. He is an Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University and speaks on the interface of science, and religion, and is a well-known biblical teacher. He holds advanced degrees from Oxford and Cambridge universities and he has debated the likes of Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Peter Singer, and has lectured extensively in North America, Eastern and Western Europe, and Australasia.

He has written a number of books exploring the relationship between science and Christianity, among them: Where is God in a Coronavirus World? (2020), 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity (2021), and Cosmic Chemistry: Do God and Science Mix? (2021). Most recently, Lennox has produced a biblical exposition, Friend of God: The Inspiration of Abraham in an Age of Doubt.


Reasons to Believe in God

The Best of John Lennox album is a collection of talks and interviews, which cover some of John’s most impactful messages from decades of teaching, writing, and thinking on the most pressing issues of our time. This album moves somewhat chronologically through four major movements: Scripture, Science and Religion, Traditional Apologetics, and Technology. Beginning with Genesis and the origins of life and ending with humanity’s future, this prologue previews key subjects that will be explored in depth throughout the series.

Episode 1

Genesis Part 1

Professor John Lennox starts the first episode of the series right at the beginning of Genesis. Lennox delves into the foundational role of Genesis in shaping our understanding of creation, purpose, and human dignity. He contrasts the biblical account with materialist views, highlighting God’s role as Creator. Through themes like the image of God, the Sabbath, and divine creativity, this episode uncovers Genesis’s profound insights into humanity’s relationship with God.

Episode 2

Genesis Part 2

In Genesis Part 2, Professor John Lennox examines the biblical creation narrative’s alignment with science, showing how Genesis offers a foundational worldview. Reflecting on the historical Apollo 8 Genesis 1 reading, Lennox discusses different views on the creation days, including young and old Earth perspectives. Through theological and scientific insights, he emphasises Genesis’s purpose: revealing a Creator who brought the universe into being and desires a relationship with humanity, uniting biblical faith and scientific inquiry.

Episode 4

Genesis Part 3

In Genesis Part 3, Professor John Lennox examines evolution, creation, and human origins, exploring how these intersect with Genesis. He addresses topics like theistic evolution, human uniqueness, and the faith-science relationship, offering insights into debates on life’s origin, natural processes, and divine intervention. Lennox argues Genesis complements scientific inquiry, enhancing understanding of human identity and purpose. This talk is for those questioning meaning, existence, and the faith-science dynamic.

Episode 5

Daniel Part 1

In Daniel Part 1, Professor John Lennox explores Daniel’s unwavering faith amid cultural pressures in Babylon and Medo-Persia. Lennox discusses how Daniel held to absolute values against idol worship and relativism, keeping God as his true north. He draws parallels to today’s shifting values, encouraging viewers to consider the relevance of absolute truth in a pluralistic world. Daniel’s example inspires standing firm in faith despite opposition from competing worldviews.

Episode 6

Daniel Part 2

In Daniel Part 2, Professor John Lennox examines Daniel’s story of faith, identity, and resistance in Babylon. He highlights how Daniel and his friends stayed true to their beliefs despite pressures to assimilate, including new names and secular education. Lennox reflects on Daniel’s respectful stand against idolatry, even risking his life, and draws parallels to today’s cultural challenges, inspiring viewers to find strength in a “true north” grounded in faith and conviction.

Episode 7

Can Science Explain Everything

Continuing through the Best of John Lennox album, Lennox and Tom Cozens discuss “Can Science Explain Everything?” Lennox argues that science, while powerful, has limits and cannot address all of life’s questions. Critiquing “scientism,” he shows why believing science is the only path to truth is flawed. Using analogies and examples, he explains how science and theology can coexist, encouraging viewers to see harmony between scientific inquiry and faith in God.

Episode 8

Maths and God

In this episode of the Best of John Lennox, Lennox and Tom Cozens explore the link between Maths and God. John Lennox discusses how mathematics reveals order in the universe, reflecting his Christian worldview. From Newton’s laws to Euler’s equation, he highlights math’s precision, challenging the notion that such coherence is accidental. Critiquing Stephen Hawking, he examines entropy and fine-tuning as hints of a Creator, arguing that math may point beyond the material world.

Episode 9


In this episode of the Best of John Lennox, Lennox explores humanity’s challenge with Suffering. Through personal stories, historical tragedies, and biblical insights, he examines pain, loss, and faith in a loving God. Reflecting on events like the Christchurch earthquake and the Holocaust, he invites viewers to face the suffering in our world with compassion and honesty. Lennox suggests that without God, suffering lacks ultimate meaning, pointing to the cross as a source of comfort and hope.

Episode 10


In this episode, Lennox explores religious pluralism, questioning whether all religions lead to the same truth. Analysing Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, he highlights their commonalities and differences, especially regarding salvation, God, and the material world. Lennox argues that their unique truth claims reflect divergent worldviews, encouraging viewers to consider the importance of truth in religion and the implications of exclusive faith claims in a diverse society.

Episode 11


In this episode, Lennox explores the question of miracles and their place in the modern world, addressing sceptical views from figures like David Hume and Richard Dawkins. He examines the evidence for miracles, particularly the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and discusses their compatibility with science. Lennox highlights the importance of recognising natural laws to identify miracles and reflects on the personal impact of faith, inviting viewers to consider a God who intervenes in history.

Episode 12

Artificial Intelligence

In this next episode of the Best of John Lennox, Lennox explores the rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence and its ethical implications. He discusses both narrow AI (pattern recognition) and AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), highlighting AI’s potential for good in fields like healthcare, and its risks, such as job displacement and surveillance. Lennox addresses concerns over regulation, privacy, truth, and bias, while drawing comparisons to Orwell and Huxley’s visions. He invites viewers to consider AI’s impact on humanity through a Christian ethical lens.

Episode 13


In this next episode, Lennox and Tom Cozens explore transhumanism’s ambition to enhance human abilities, overcome ageing, and conquer death. Lennox examines the historical context, and ethical questions, and contrasts these pursuits with the Biblical view of the soul’s inherent value. Discussing figures like Yuval Noah Harari and Nick Bostrom, they explore a post-human future shaped by AI and biotechnology. Lennox concludes with a reminder to use technology responsibly, reflecting on its moral and philosophical implications.

Episode 14


In this final episode within the technology movement,  Lennox and Tom Cozens explore bioethics, addressing issues like embryo experimentation, end-of-life decisions, and germline modification. Lennox discusses how ethical perspectives are shaped by beliefs about humanity, contrasting Christian views with secular or utilitarian approaches. He reflects on the challenges of relativistic ethics in a secular society and argues for a transcendent basis for ethics. Lennox highlights Christianity’s role in providing a moral framework and the transformative power to uphold human dignity.


Faith and Reason

As we wrap up the Best of John Lennox album, Lennox and Tom Cozens explore the relationship between faith and reason. Lennox distinguishes faith as trust, not blind belief, and emphasises its role in both daily life and scientific inquiry. Reflecting on his own journey, he explains how faith and science intersect, requiring foundational trust. Lennox argues that evidence-based faith in Christ transforms lives and answers existential questions, inviting intellectual inquiry and a personal encounter with truth.

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We invite you to help us share this vital content with others. By giving a gift, you’ll be supporting OCCA in creating more resources like the Best of John Lennox series that can reach people where they are, helping them explore the beauty and credibility of the Christian faith, and to know Jesus personally.

Receive as a gift

If you are at a place of exploring, evaluating, or simply curious, we would love to offer the Best of John Lennox album to you as a gift. Our mission is to make this series available to anyone open to learning more about the claims of Christianity, without any financial barrier.

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