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We believe that all people are deserving of dignity and respect. OCCA expects its staff, representatives and trustees to treat others with care, and to conduct themselves in a manner that maintains the highest standards of integrity and accountability.

If you believe that we are not living up to this commitment, we invite you to report your concerns via the channels outlined below.


We are committed to making OCCA a safe place for all. Any allegation or concern regarding the endangerment or abuse of a child or a vulnerable adult will be investigated thoroughly and actions taken in line with OCCA’s safeguarding policy and procedures.

How to report a safeguarding concern

Concerns about the conduct of OCCA’s trustees, staff, workers, students and volunteers, or about practice within the organisation, should be addressed to our Director of People & Culture:

Jo Hatfield (Director of People & Culture) | 07826410857

Alternatively, you can contact:

Christian Safeguarding Services (CSS) provide an independent, confidential reporting service. We are committed to working with them to address any concerns they raise with us.
0116 218 4420 |


If you discover information that shows serious malpractice, illegal actions or wrongdoing by OCCA employees or representatives, we ask that you report this. In terms of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998, the qualifying disclosures for whistleblowing are:

  • A criminal offence;
  • A person failing to comply with legal obligations ;
  • The endangered health and safety of an individual;
  • A miscarriage of justice;
  • Damage to the environment;
  • Bribery;
  • The deliberate concealment of information linked to an above offence.

The above disclosures may relate to actions or events that are happening now, that happened in the past, or are likely to happen in the future.

How to report a whistleblowing concern

To report a confidential whistleblowing concern, please contact our HR department: | 01865 302900

If you wish to make an anonymous disclosure to an external body, submit a report via SafeCall:

If you are unsure whether your concern is relevant or reportable under whistleblowing disclosures, then you can contact Protect, an independent advice line, for assistance: | 020 7404 6609

If you feel that a matter of concern has not been dealt with appropriately, then you can escalate the matter to the relevant body, such as the Charity Commission or the ICO.

What happens next

On receipt of a whistleblowing report, OCCA commits to investigating and responding appropriately, in accordance with our whistleblowing policy and procedures. The whistleblower is entitled to request a report on the outcome of the investigation.

Any other concerns

If you have any other concerns or questions about OCCA’s work, not covered by the safeguarding or whistleblowing sections above, please email or use the form on our contact page to bring these matters to our attention.

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