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Join Ben Thomas as he fearlessly explores the taboo topics of death, heaven, and eternal life. Over the next few videos, he’ll interview colleagues about different perspectives on living forever, from reincarnation to transhumanism to nihilism, among others.
In our second episode of the series, ‘So You Want to Live Forever?’, join Ben Thomas, a seasoned medical doctor, and Charlie Styles, a vicar, as they investigate humanity’s quest for immortality. Both have been confronted by death and grief in their professional work, yet have noticed a curious, unwavering desire for humanity to leave a legacy and be remembered… What is this desire and where does it come from?
In the next episode of the series, ‘So You Want to Live Forever?’, join Ben Thomas and John Lennox as they explore transhumanism’s mission to extend human life, and ultimately prevent death, through scientific and technological development. Together, they investigate this ambitious goal and its potential impact on our lives today.
In the next episode of the series, ‘So You Want to Live Forever?’, join Ben Thomas and Sara Stevenson as they explore a view called ‘optimistic nihilism,’ which argues that, although an afterlife does not exist, our mortality could liberate us to find meaning in other ways. Together, they consider whether reconciling the universe’s lack of meaning with a personal search for significance presents a challenge.
Millions of people around the world believe that karma and reincarnation are the means by which we live on after death. Join Ben Thomas and Rahil Patel, a former Hindu monk, in the next episode of the series, ‘So You Want to Live Forever?’, where they explore the differences between the Hindu hope in moksha, the liberation from the self from birth and rebirth, and the Christian hope in salvation.
Join medical doctor and Christian, Ben, as he explores humanity’s obsession with longevity. Where better to discuss this than at the gym! In conversation with Oxford DPhil student and fitness enthusiast, Alanzo Paul, they discuss gym culture, self-worth and the pursuit of eternal youth, asking why it is people will go to greater and greater extremes to live longer.
In the final episode of the series Ben speaks to renowned theologian N.T. Wright about the claims of Jesus’ resurrection and how it shapes views on life death and eternity. As Ben reaches the end of his search for ways to live forever, will he find a compelling answer at the empty tomb of Jesus?
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