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Book for Summer School this July!

This week we’re locking the doors of 76 Banbury Road for the last time. It has been OCCA’s home for more than a decade and a real gift from God for learning, mission, filming, and outreach. As an alumnus myself of the 1-Year Programme, it is strange to see the empty lecture room where, nearly 10 years ago, John Lennox brought us through 1 and 2 Peter and where, more recently, we’ve been recording new resources. Yet, as we move the last few boxes of books and studio equipment out, I have an overwhelming sense of thanksgiving and hope. I’m also grateful for your many prayers as our team has spent much of the Christmas break preparing for this big step.



God has opened a door for us to set up right in the heart of Oxford and the provision has already been another answer to many prayers over this season. We’re closer than ever to public transport links and the new home for our team is a great base for us to keep going out speaking, filming resources, running courses, and reaching young people. We know that every good and perfect gift comes from God and so as a new year brings a new chapter for OCCA, we pray that our new building would be more than just a set of walls and a roof, but a resource and gift for us to use to have an eternal impact. We’ll be sharing more about our new home in the new year, so make sure to sign up to our updates.

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