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Book for Summer School this July!

In this age of artificial intelligence, concerns over deep fakes and global unrest, the truth really matters.

Christians claim to have solid hope, but it’s easy to feel that the chaos is winning. In our current cultural moment with all its confusion and questions, we want to equip you to consider and respond to these challenges the world is facing today.  As Christians, we have a deep conviction that God has not left us alone in the dark, and the time we’re living in presents the church with a unique opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the world.

Main Talks

Clare opened the day with the Bible – God’s Comprehensive Offer in the Gospel

How to navigate a world of economic unrest Max Jeganathan

In an increasingly Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) world, Max Jeganathan offers a roadmap to navigate economic uncertainty in this talk from the Confident Faith Conference 2024. Amid sticky inflation, high interest rates, growing public debt, and increasing anxiety, Max Jeganathan gives practical, faith-based strategies for finding stability and hope in turbulent times.

How to live through an environmental apocalypse Revd Sam Allberry

Is following Jesus bad for the environment? Sam Allberry reflects on his relationship to environmental activism as a Christian, exploring the relationship between faith and environmental care, offering a Christian perspective on urgent ecological issues in today’s world.

Can we live with AI? Professor John Lennox

From the widespread use of ChatGPT in schools to deep fakes of celebrities rampant on social media, artificial intelligence is already reshaping our world. But can AI’s rapid development deliver on its big hopes for humanity? Explore the profound implications of AI on our lives, from its benefits and risks to its potential future impact in this talk with John Lennox from the Confident Faith Conference, 2024.

How do I find meaning in my pain? Alanzo Julian Paul

Alanzo Paul examines the profound question of God and suffering from a Christian perspective, exploring how God could allow suffering in our world. Through a combination of philosophical analysis, theological insights, and personal stories, he reflects on how faith can help us find meaning in the midst of pain and hardship.

The Condition – Spoken Word Storm Cecile

Why do we get things so wrong? Rt Rev Dr Emma Ineson

In a cancel culture world, Bishop Emma Ineson explores why humans continue to make mistakes despite centuries of technological, societal and ethical progress. She delves into the concept of sin, its effects on our lives, the freedom of admitting when we’re wrong, and the liberating power of God’s forgiveness and grace.

Jesus is Amazing Dr Peter J. Williams

Peter J. Williams asserts that Jesus was a genius. His genius, Peter argues, is illustrated in His powerful storytelling. Through an in-depth analysis of the Parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15, Peter shows how Jesus weaves together biblical themes and shares timeless lessons that resonate with all humanity, religious and non-religious alike.

Charlie closed the day, taking us to Jesus and the relationship he offers.

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