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Book for Summer School this July!

An important function of apologetics is to strengthen and equip believers to give a reason for the hope and to be more secure in their faith. At OCCA we love getting the chance to serve the local church in this way. Here are a couple of recent examples of the OCCA team doing this for two different groups of church leaders.

Supporting Churches

On Thursday 21st March, Tom Price went to Basingstoke, UK to deliver a day of training for Co-Mission Church Leaders (NFI), under the leadership of Martin Flood, on topics that included ‘Relational Spiritual Formation‘, ‘Engaging Questions and Culture‘ and ‘Q&A training.

In April we were visited at OCCA by a group of Norwegian Church Leaders from Tjeldstø and Ågotnes nr. Bergen, under the leadership of Jan Tommy Fosse for an afternoon of seminars and discussions on ‘Worldviews, Mapping and Micro-narratives‘ & ‘Engaging the World Through Telling A Better Story.’

Come and Visit

It was great to be able to serve all these amazing men and women, to welcome them to OCCA, and to multiply our impact through them. We heard about how the wider church is engaging with the questions that people have, and we discussed the opportunities that film, questions and culture can offer us to communicate the gospel through.

Hear from us