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Why Trust the Bible?

Issues of patriarchy, power and historical accuracy are just some of the objections to the Bible’s trustworthiness. Making the case for the Bible’s textual integrity by analysing the evidence, Clare Williams shares how its story is ultimately about one central figure – Jesus who came to save.

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How Reliable is the Old Testament? (Part 1)

When it comes to the historical reliability of the Bible, there is scholarly research to support the New Testament… but what about the Old Testament? In this first video of a three-part series, Calum Miller reviews academic resources and archaeological evidence to determine the historical accuracy of events and places recorded in the Old Testament, such as the Flood and the Tower of Babel.

How Does Jesus Revolutionise Attitudes Towards Women?

Jesus regularly involving women in his teaching and community powerfully challenged the cultural norms of His day. In this lecture, Lara Buchanan examines how easily overlooked details in the Bible point to Jesus’ regular affirmation of women’s worth and dignity at a time when this was contested.

Are Science and Religion Compatible?

In this lecture from the FEUER conference, Max Baker-Hytch challenges claims that science disproves God's existence. Using philosophical arguments, he asserts that a naturalistic framework fails to explain phenomena such as consciousness and the fine-tuning of our universe, and suggests that theism remains a viable belief system today.

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