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Book for Summer School this July!

As I look back on the past year, it is with that sense of tiredness that comes from satisfying hard work.

We are committed to help people encounter the message of Jesus by engaging with the deepest questions of our time.  In our annual review you can see just a little of what we’ve been up to:

  • We give thanks for over 330 external evangelistic engagements, and for the more than 1000 churches using our “Apologetics for Everyone” course.
  • We are thankful for those studying on our 10-week online Foundations course, with over 100 participants from around the world joining over the year.
  • We celebrate the 31 who completed our one-year hybrid course in July 2024 and another 34 who began in September.
  • We are delighted to see Reboot, fully relaunched, offering young people a safe place to ask difficult questions about God, faith and life, reaching over 1000 youth in person and many more online.
  • A particular highlight has been to see OCCA flourish online, seeing YouTube subscriptions from from 17,000 to over 80,000 in just 12 months.

For this and much more, please download our Year in Review and perhaps consider making a financial contribution to help our work.

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