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If you have booked Rahil to speak at your event, you may want to include some of the following information for your publicity.

Brief Introductions

Rahil’s biography Found by Love details his journey from Hinduism to Christianity and has been published in over 5 languages. He now works as a Speaker and Tutor at the OCCA.

50-word Version

Rahil is a Speaker and Tutor at the OCCA. Rahil’s work seeks to offer the beauty of the Christian Gospels to eastern worldviews, particularly Hinduism. As a former monk for over 20 years in one of the world’s most influential Hindu traditions, Rahil has a unique perspective to offer today.

100-word Version

Rahil joined the OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics as a Speaker and Tutor in 2022. Prior to his encounter with Christ in 2012, Rahil was a Hindu monk for 20 years with one of the world’s most influential Hindu traditions. He supervised teaching and temple building throughout Europe and Russia. Following Jesus has led him to seek how Christ can bridge the divide between religions and offer them the beauty of the gospels.

Rahil’s biography, Found by Love, which details his conversion narrative and his following journey with Christ, has been published in 5 different languages.

Full Version

Rahil joined the OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics as a Speaker and Tutor in 2022. Rahil’s work seeks to train and equip Christ followers to respond to difficult questions posed by the eastern worldviews, particularly Hinduism.

Born in Kenya, but raised in England, Rahil was then trained as a Hindu monk in India. Rahil was a monk for 20 years with one of the world’s most influential Hindu traditions and supervised teaching and temple building across Europe and Russia. Rahil’s development as a monk involved dhyaan, bhakti, the intense reading of Hindu scriptures, and even a two-thousand-mile pilgrimage across India. Here, he listened intently to intellectuals rooted in Eastern spirituality and gained a deep understanding of their perspectives. As a result, today, he offers a unique insight into the sensitivity in which westerners should use to approach eastern spirituality when sharing the Gospels.

Rahil’s unexpected and yet life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ transformed his understanding of religion. As a monk, religion was characterised by works and good karma in an attempt to please god. But as a follower of Jesus, Rahil has found that while religion still holds rituals and commandments, it is at its core most importantly a relationship.


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