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Can you upload your mind and live forever?

In the this episode of the series ‘So You Want to Live Forever?’ join Ben Thomas and John Lennox as they explore transhumanism’s mission to extend human life, and ultimately prevent death, through scientific and technological development. Together, they consider this ambitious goal and its potential impact on our lives today.

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Why does the resurrection matter?

Without the resurrection, Christianity collapses. NT Wright explains why Jesus’ resurrection isn’t just a religious belief but the foundation of Christian faith. Was Jesus just another failed revolutionary, or did something happen that changed history forever? Watch his discussion with Ben Thomas to explore the evidence and its significance.

Can staying fit help you escape death?

Many people turn to exercise, dieting, and longevity science in the hopes of staying young and living longer—but is it really possible to outsmart aging? In this episode of So You Want to Live Forever?, Alanzo Paul explores our culture's obsession with fitness, the fear of mortality, and whether staying fit can truly help us escape death.

How Can I Find Meaning in My Pain?

Alanzo Paul examines the profound question of God and suffering from a Christian perspective, exploring how God could allow suffering in our world. Through a combination of philosophical analysis, theological insights, and personal stories, he reflects on how faith can help us find meaning in the midst of pain and hardship.

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