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Raymond Bukenya


Raymond has a heart for evangelism and teaching the Christian Faith. He is the National Director for Tru-Tangazo Uganda.

Raymond’s academic background includes training in Building and Civil Engineering from Kyambogo University Kampala, Theology from the University of Oxford (UK), Apologetics at OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics and recently completed a Masters in Missions from the University of Winchester (UK). He enjoys teaching Theology and speaking on topics related to Christian apologetics, Science and Faith, Suffering, and justice, among others.

As a Clergyman, Raymond has served in Church and Organisational leadership, particularly in the Church of Uganda as Priest-in-charge (Chaplain) at Ebenezer Chapel in Ntinda-Kigoowa, in Kampala. Youth and Discipleship Coordinator for Karamoja Diocese and Kampala Diocese, respectively. He has also served on Boards of Organizations like UFAHARI Girls’ Ministry Uganda.

Outside of his professional pursuits, Raymond is a dedicated family man and is happily married to his wife Lynn. Together, they have six lovely children (four sons and two daughters) and reside in Kirinya, Wakiso district. He thrives on farming, writing, and a strong passion for dialogue and conversation. Raymond’s life goal is that through his personal life, example, and teachings, many may make sense of their faith and Hope in God, and others understand and embrace the Lordship Christ as revealed in God’s Word. Ultimately, if he can be remembered as a wonderful husband and father, he shall rest well.


Is Christianity a White Man’s Religion?

Raymond Bukenya explores the historical and cultural origins of Christianity, addressing key topics such as who started Christianity and challenging the assumption that it is exclusively a Western or white faith. He explains Christianity when it was founded and clarifies misconceptions about its origins in the Middle East rather than Europe. He also addresses the question, "Was Jesus white?", offering a historical perspective on the ethnicity of Jesus and the global nature of Christianity today.

Is Suffering a Reason to Reject God?

In this discussion, Raymond Bukenya and Charlie Styles examine whether suffering has an impact on faith in God. Raymond shares diverse perspectives on how people reconcile pain with spiritual beliefs, drawing from his experiences in Uganda's Karimojong community and his personal story of suffering.

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