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Friday August 9, 2024

Whilst history books tend to focus on specific times of turmoil and danger, there’s something about the 24-hour news cycle and immediacy of social media today that makes us feel that every moment is a civilisational crisis. Looking at the UK headlines this week though; it can feel like we’re on the brink of something substantial.

Violence on the streets

Last Monday, a 17-year-old attacked children at a Taylor Swift-themed holiday club, leaving three young girls dead, five in critical condition and many traumatised. It was a despicable act of violence, the motive of which is still unknown.

Since then, violent riots have broken out in various towns and cities across the UK. Whether the events in Southport were the trigger or the excuse, it has led some to declare this as the beginning of civil war.

If you’re wrestling with these events, I commend to you an article from my friend Ross Hendry of CARE, offering one possible Christian response.

You may also find it helpful to watch some of our videos on The OCCA YouTube channel addressing questions around Justice and Suffering.

📖 Read the article on The Southport Stabbings […] a Christian Response

▶️ Watch the short Can We Achieve Justice?

🎥 Watch the video Why Would a Good God Allow Suffering?

Understanding one another

I was a church minister in Slough at the time of the nationwide riots of 2011. In one of the most multicultural towns in the UK, we were put on high alert and given police briefings on how to respond when something happened locally.

Watching this week I’ve been struck, not just by the terrible violence and wanton destruction of property, but by the hatred of one group for the other. Weeks like this remind us of the wickedness inside every human being – some of the behaviour on the streets of Britain has been shocking.

Two years ago, as part of The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Reconciliation Ministry, a free five week course was released called Difference exploring how to break down barriers with those around us. The course aims to equip the Church to be a reconciling presence in the midst of conflict, something we greatly need today.

👥 Check out The Difference course

Interfaith dialogue

At OCCA we’re trying to do our part to aid genuine attempts to understand other faiths. This month sees the release of the first series of resources by Rahil Patel, called Key Concepts of Hinduism.

In a thoughtful and detailed series of talks, Rahil explains some of the beliefs of those who adhere to Hindu religions. I have found the process of making these films to be both surprising and inspirational, as I have better understood the faith of many millions rooted in a culture very different from my own.

This autumn, we’ll be releasing a series of films under the title Engaging Islam, recorded with the excellent Dr Richard Shumack. In addition, with partners from London City Mission, we’ll be making the first set of films exploring Sikh beliefs.

Too often we treat the beliefs of others too lightly and fail to listen properly. These series will help us to constructively dialogue with those who view the world through a different lens.

🎥 Watch Key Concepts of Hinduism and sign up for the full series

My prayer is that we would be people of peace able to point others to the Prince of Peace, and that together we would bring hope and transformation to our society.

Thank you for reading,

Charlie Styles, OCCA CEO


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