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Book for Summer School this July!

Friday 20th September

It’s been a privilege, since I joined OCCA, to serve with a wonderfully gifted group of people. The team comes from a wide range of backgrounds—secondary education, international relief work, intensive medicine, local government—and a wide range of countries, including Australia, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Ireland, and Great Britain.

One pleasure has been getting to know John and Sally Lennox, who have become firmly part of the OCCA family, as we meet each week to open God’s word, pray together and share a meal. I could say lots about Sally’s ministry of listening and wise counsel, but many of you are probably more familiar with her husband John.

John Lennox is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford and is well-known around the world as a defender of the Christian faith. Despite my huge appreciation for John’s ministry and my respect for him personally, it is with some caution that we publish a new video series called ‘The Best of John Lennox’.

Why would we focus on one person? Given some of the very public scandals surrounding high-profile Christians, surely it would be wise to avoid platforming a Christian celebrity?

“Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.” —Hebrews 13:7

We’ve wanted to be careful about not structuring our organisation around any one individual or their reputation. However, at the same time, it is important to honour people and their contribution to the theological conversation.

And, in John’s case that contribution has been far-reaching:

This kind of reach is astonishing and much to be celebrated! However, one of the things I’ve learned is that believing your own press is a dangerous drug.

Legend has it that the Caesars would have someone following them around saying ‘Memento Mori’, reminding them of their mortal humanity. Surely Christians have an even better reminder: “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”.

To be a Christian is to acknowledge your profound inadequacy. It is about a journey through humility and surrender to freedom and blessing.

As I’ve got to know John, I’ve come to appreciate a man who deeply believes the message he preaches. And so, knowing that he is both a saint and a sinner, I wholeheartedly recommend this latest series to you.

You can sign up to watch the first episode of this new series today, and be updated when the full series is released.

Thanks for reading,

Charlie Styles, OCCA Director


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