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If God Exists, Why Are There Natural Disasters and Diseases?

Based on her recently published book, Broken Planet, Sharon Dirckx explores how God could exist in a world rife with natural disasters, environmental crises, and diseases. Through scientific, philosophical, and theological perspectives, she offers insight, compassion, and hope, unraveling the complexities of suffering in our world.

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How to Live through an Environmental Apocalypse

Is following Jesus bad for the environment? Sam Allberry reflects on his relationship to environmental activism as a Christian, exploring the relationship between faith and environmental care, offering a Christian perspective on urgent ecological issues in today's world.

How Can I Find Meaning in My Pain?

Alanzo Paul examines the profound question of God and suffering from a Christian perspective, exploring how God could allow suffering in our world. Through a combination of philosophical analysis, theological insights, and personal stories, he reflects on how faith can help us find meaning in the midst of pain and hardship.

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