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Strategy, Culture, or Character – Which is Most Important?

Strategy, culture and character have been talked about by leadership theorists for the last couple hundred years and this conversation has shifted to include the relevance of each of these concepts in our lives as individuals, our families and communities. Max Jeganathan helps us think through strategy, culture and character as different strands of leadership and psychological thinking have begun to place different levels of emphasis on each of these 3 concepts. So, the question then naturally emerges, which one is more important, and how do they relate to one another? Max meaningfully explores how love and relationality help to prioritise the three and explains the relevance Jesus Christ has on radically transforming the nature of strategy, culture, and character in our lives.

Why Did Jesus Die?

Jesus's death was by all accounts, brutal. So why did he have to die? Darrell Bock (Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary) & OCCA speaker Alanzo Paul consider the significance of Jesus's death from a biblical and historical perspective.

What Makes Me Human?

In today’s world, the booming self-help and self-discovery industries indicate that, although we place value on finding ourselves, we struggle to know who we really are. In this session, Sam Allberry examines various methods of defining ourselves and suggests that our identities need to be anchored in something with lasting security.

So you want to Live Forever? Reincarnation

In the this episode of the series ‘So You Want to Live Forever?’ join Ben Thomas and Rahil Patel as they consider the possibilities of returning to life in other forms. What is the offer of reincarnation? What kind of hope might it give us?

So you want to Live Forever? Optimistic Nihilism

In this episode of the series, ‘So You Want to Live Forever?’, join Ben Thomas and Sara Stevenson as they explore a view called ‘optimistic nihilism,’ which argues that, although an afterlife does not exist, our mortality could liberate us to find meaning in other ways. Together, they consider whether reconciling the universe’s lack of meaning with a personal search for significance presents a challenge.

So you want to Live Forever? Be Remembered

In our second episode of the series, ‘So You Want to Live Forever?’, join Ben Thomas, a seasoned medical doctor, and Charlie Styles, a vicar, as they investigate humanity’s quest for immortality. Both have been confronted by death and grief in their professional work, yet have noticed a curious, unwavering desire for humanity to leave a legacy and be remembered… What is this desire and where does it come from?

So you want to Live Forever? Matters of Life and Death

In the lead-up to Easter, join Ben Thomas as he fearlessly explores the taboo topics of death, heaven, and eternal life. Over the next few weeks, he’ll interview colleagues about different perspectives on living forever, from reincarnation to transhumanism to nihilism, among others.

Gandhi and Christianity Series: How Gandhi Used Jesus’ Teachings in His Political Activism

The final session on Gandhi and Christianity explores how Mahatma Gandhi incorporated Christian teachings into his political ideologies emphasising non-violence and social justice.

Gandhi and Christianity Series: How Gandhi Saw Certain Passages in the Bible

In this second session on Gandhi and Christianity, Jacob Cheriyan and OCCA speaker Rahil Patel explore how Gandhi interpreted and applied teachings from the Bible as political tools in India's independence movement.

Gandhi and Christianity Series: Christians that Influenced Gandhi

In this first video of the series, Rahil Patel and Jacob Cheriyan delve into Gandhi's encounters with Christianity that shaped his philosophy of non-violence and his understanding of spiritual transformation.

Hasn’t the Church Done More Harm than Good?

The charge that the church has done more harm than good is a moral objection. Even when Christians do good works, is it enough to redeem the church's reputation and chequered past? Clare Williams explores this difficult question and how Christians can respond sensitively.

Key Concepts in Hinduism: Parabrahma

From a Christian point of view, explore the key concepts and cultural nuances of Hinduism with this session on Parabrahma, meaning “Supreme God.” Debunk common misconceptions about Hinduism, learn how to engage respectfully in conversations with Hindu friends, and grasp a Hindu perspective of God.

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