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New film series: Unwrapping Christmas

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A Good Return: Biblical Principles for Work, Wealth and Wisdom

John C. Lennox has crafted a book with thoughtful, biblical and evangelical deliberation on our behaviour in, and towards, our work. With his trademark clarity, faithfulness and wisdom, Lennox curates room for a wider discussion on Christian approaches toward salaries, time management, motivation and attitudes amidst a workspace environment.

17 min read
Can we be good without God?

Have you ever paused to wonder why we care about goodness or morality in the first place? Where does our sense of right and wrong come from?

Cosmic Chemistry: Do God and Science Mix?

Prof John Lennox examines afresh the plausibility of a Christian theistic worldview in the light of some of the latest developments in scientific understanding.

24 min read
Are Cut And Paste Humans The Future?

Many superhero and science fiction blockbusters highlight humanity's quest to overcome death. Does genetic enhancement offer a way forward?

14 min read
Are we cosmic accidents?

Max Baker-Hytch considers whether the fine-tuning and multiverse theories sufficiently explain the existence of the universe apart from God

5 min read
Can we overcome prejudice with progress?

Do our very yearnings to see the world become a better place, actually point us to someone, not merely something, better?

6 min read
When do coincidences become ‘God-incidences?’

Is it possible that religious experience can count as more than just confirmation bias?

Why does God care who I sleep with?

Christians are increasingly seen as outdated, restrictive and judgmental when it comes to sex before marriage, cohabitation and homosexuality. For…

What God has to say about our bodies

Sam Allberry argues that the Bible has a lot to say about the body, and shows how the practical significance of Scripture’s teaching on this topic impacts how Christians should think and behave.

Can Science Explain Everything?

Prof. John Lennox offers a fresh way of thinking about science and Christianity that dispels the common misconceptions about both.

18 min read
Is religion still relevant today?

In a world with many problems, is religion still relevant? Has a more scientific outlook assumed the status that religion…

16 min read
Why trust the Christian message?

The Christian faith can be said to be about a lot of things, loving others, being a faithful person, saying…

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