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What’s the Difference Between Islam & Christianity?

In a world rich with diverse cultures and ideologies, Sara Stevenson explores the stark differences between two major religions: Islam and Christianity, and how their foundational beliefs and intricate rituals point to a very different picture of who Jesus is.

Broken Planet

In Broken Planet, Sharon Dirckx, scientist and apologist, offers a measured and thoughtful case for how there could be a God of love that allows natural disasters.

5 min read
Can we overcome prejudice with progress?

Do our very yearnings to see the world become a better place, actually point us to someone, not merely something, better?

18 min read
Is religion still relevant today?

In a world with many problems, is religion still relevant? Has a more scientific outlook assumed the status that religion…

15 min read
Why would God allow pandemics?

Many momentous world events hold our attention a few days but don’t really change our daily lives much thereafter. The…

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