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Can staying fit help you escape death?

Many people turn to exercise, dieting, and longevity science in the hopes of staying young and living longer—but is it really possible to outsmart aging? In this episode of So You Want to Live Forever?, Alanzo Paul explores our culture's obsession with fitness, the fear of mortality, and whether staying fit can truly help us escape death.

What about contradictions in the Bible?

Do the Gospels contradict each other? Dr. Darrell Bock tackles common challenges about alleged Bible contradictions, from Jesus’ words on the cross to differing resurrection accounts. In this discussion with Charlie Styles, they explore why differences don’t mean contradictions—and how the Bible’s diverse perspectives strengthen its credibility.

Does Suffering disprove God? Simon Edwards & Harry Amos

This thought-provoking debate between Harry Amos, an agnostic atheist, and Simon, part of the OCCA team, considers the question of…

Where does our value come from? (Part II)

In a world that often measures success by achievements and status, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed or lose sight of our own confidence and self-worth. In this final session of his two-part series, Simon Edwards explores the role of faith in shaping unshakable self-worth, the foundations of human dignity, and how Christianity uncovers the deeper meaning of what makes us truly valuable.

Where Does Our Value Come From? (Part I)

Amidst cultural pressure to set goals and measure success, Simon Edwards reflects on what gives our lives true value and meaning. In Part I of II, he explores how biblical truths offer a deeper foundation for our worth and value beyond achievements or abilities.

How Can I Find Meaning in My Pain?

Alanzo Paul examines the profound question of God and suffering from a Christian perspective, exploring how God could allow suffering in our world. Through a combination of philosophical analysis, theological insights, and personal stories, he reflects on how faith can help us find meaning in the midst of pain and hardship.

Is Christianity a White Man’s Religion?

Raymond Bukenya explores the historical and cultural origins of Christianity, addressing key topics such as who started Christianity and challenging the assumption that it is exclusively a Western or white faith. He explains Christianity when it was founded and clarifies misconceptions about its origins in the Middle East rather than Europe. He also addresses the question, "Was Jesus white?", offering a historical perspective on the ethnicity of Jesus and the global nature of Christianity today.

Jesus is Amazing!

Peter J. Williams asserts that Jesus was a genius. His genius, Peter argues, is illustrated in His powerful storytelling. Through an in-depth analysis of the Parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15, Peter shows how Jesus weaves together biblical themes and shares timeless lessons that resonate with all humanity, religious and non-religious alike.

Can You Prove God Exists?

Mark Lanier, a trial lawyer with nearly 40 years of experience, applies his legal expertise to the question of whether it's possible to prove God's existence. He discusses different types of proof and the legal system's concept of 'the burden of proof,' highlighting that scientific methods of enquiry are limited in their ability to answer certain existential questions.

How Does Faith Impact the Arts?

Storm Cecile, a 25-year-old spoken word poet, discusses how her Christian faith shapes her creativity and resilience. In this interview with Charlie Styles, Storm explores her artistic passions and how she intentionally aligns her work with spiritual values.

Can Ancient Biblical Texts Address Moral Questions of Our Culture?

In this conversation, Sam and Rebecca discuss the importance of using Jesus’ example to meaningfully engage with difficult topics in today’s culture, such as questions about justice and suffering. They also give practical tips on how to thoughtfully communicate biblical truths in diverse and challenging settings.

What is the Purpose of Art?

In this interview, Charlie Styles and spoken word artist Storm Cecile explore a Christian perspective on the role of art in today's world. They discuss how Storm intentionally challenges societal norms and sparks thought-provoking conversations on important social issues through her artwork.

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